Terms of Use

Visitors to Aboutvips.com must review and agree to the Terms of Use before viewing, downloading, or accessing the platform. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use the information obtained from our platform. By continuing to use the platform you are showing your agreement.

  1. com may have links to websites, advertisers, services, or offers that are not managed or controlled by Digital Adhyapak. We do not support or take responsibility for these third parties’ websites, products, or services. We are also not responsible for the content of these websites or how information on them is collected and used by third parties.
  2. Each celebrity on our platform is only there for information. Their being on our platform does not mean they approve of our platform or the information on it. The information available on our website is from Wikipedia and another trusted website.
  3. We cannot guarantee that the information on our platform is accurate or suitable for any purpose. We know that it may contain mistakes and we are not responsible for any of these mistakes, as allowed by law. We encourage people who use our platform, celebrities.
  4. Images of famous people on aboutvips.com are allowed to be shown. If you have any questions or worries about a picture on our website, please contact us.
  5. If there are any problems with the copyright of abotvips.com, we can help to solve them.